Hi Zeah!!
My learning and instruction style is also constructivist. I also like a more hands-on approach to topics as well as relating content through lived experiences. I wish my teacher would have made activities such as acting out different historical events like yours did because I remember struggling to try and learn off powerpoints and trying to memorize historical dates and events in high school. I liked your reflection on how university mostly aligns with cognitive theory, I totally agree! I sometimes find it difficult with memorization at the university level and all of the discussion posts for most classes I’m in.


Hi Simran! 

I really enjoyed reading your reflection. I can’t imagine learning a new language as an adult, I have friends who have done it and it is much more difficult than when you are a child learning it. I have a similar experience with this, I learned French all throughout school and I now as an adult could only maybe say a sentence or two in French which is crazy because I did it my entire life, it just goes to show how if you don’t continue to practice a skill you will have to relearn it.
