- Choose one (or more) of your planned learning activities from your Blueprint and identify any barriers to student success. How can you alter or adjust your current plan to reduce those barriers?
One of the planned learning activities in our Blueprint is a nature walk where students go for a walk and look around at all the different types of trees. There is a barrier within this activity in regards to student access, because students may not have access to a green space that they are able to do the nature walk in. An adjustment that can be made to reduce these barriers would be to use online resources to create a nature walk rather than getting students to go outside to do it. This could be done by putting pictures of different trees and their leaves on a slideshow where students can view different trees and understand their identifying factors. This would help reduce the barrier of students having access to green spaces, because all students would have the same access to the slideshow link, so they could go on an online nature walk and be able to view different trees within nature without having to leave their home. Students may also face a barrier within the physical activity aspect of this specific learning activity, therefore an online version of this learning activity would allow all students regardless of their physical abilities to participate.
Another learning activity within our blueprint is a“What Am I” worksheet, a barrier to student success within this activity could be students with different learning styles who may not be able to engage with the activity, therefore I would adjust my worksheet to include visuals such as pictures of leaves and trees, as well as videos to make it more engaging and interactive for students with different learning styles. This adjustment allows for a more interactive experience within this learning activity, rather than simply understanding descriptions of different types of trees and identifications, it would allow students to visualize and interact with their learning.
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